Delivery Information
We ship using United Parcel Service for all packages. We can only ship to addresses located within the US including APO and FPO addresses, US territories, Alaska and Hawaii. We cannot ship orders to non-US addresses or P.O. Boxes.
Your order will be shipped as soon as possible. Most orders are shipped on or before the next business day. It is rare, but unavoidable delays may occur.
Most orders are shipped within one business day. Most orders arrive within 5 business days. Business days are days on which most businesses are operating - i.e. week days excluding holidays.
Lost or Damaged Shipments
If your order is lost or damaged during shipping, please contact us immediately. Do not ship damaged items back to us: this must be handled by the shipping company. If you send damaged items back to us you will not receive a refund or replacement.
This is very important: to receive a refund or replacement of damaged items, make sure you contact us by email about any damaged shipments and let us handle getting the items picked up.
If your order is lost or damaged during shipping, please contact us immediately. Do not ship damaged items back to us: this must be handled by the shipping company. If you send damaged items back to us you will not receive a refund or replacement.
This is very important: to receive a refund or replacement of damaged items, make sure you contact us by email about any damaged shipments and let us handle getting the items picked up.
We will accept returns only on the following terms:
- We must be contacted within 7 days of receiving your shippment.
- Do not send the items back to us. We will either issue a call tag or a reference number for the return before it is shipped.
- An adequate reason for return must be given (ie. does not work, wrong item shipped, etc.). Not liking the merchandise is not a good enough reason).
- Returns must be accompanied by a copy of the packing slip, without exception. So save your paper work, please.
- We will issue refunds after receiving the returned item, usually within 5 business days.
- We will issue refunds after receiving the returned item, usually within 5 business days.
- Return shipping charges are not covered by our refund.
Send returns to the following address:
ShopSmart Supply - Returns
3535 Rosecrans Blvd
Hawthoren, CA 90250
If you are a wholesaler and place an order you will need to wait for an invoice. You will either recieve one in an email or our driver will bring one to your business.
All products are warranted against defects in material and workmanship. This warranty is offered for products purchased through only.
Warranty is limited to repair or replacement upon return of the damaged item. We will repair any item that proves to be defective in materials or workmanship. If repair is not possible, we will replace your tool with a new tool.
This warranty does not cover damage due to rust, abuse, mishandling or normal wear.
Warranty claims will be handled by the same procedures as returns above.